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HomeEventsBuilding Relationships and Community in Later Life 1:00-2:00PM (In Person) Q4 Active, Woodland Hills

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Building Relationships and Community in Later Life 1:00-2:00PM (In Person) Q4 Active, Woodland Hills

Date and Time

Friday, February 7, 2025, 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM


Q4 Active
6200 Variel Ave Suite #2A
Woodland Hills, CA  91367

Event Contact(s)

Joyce Robertson
855-836-0807 (p)


SSG Academy Programs

Registration Info

Registration is required

About this event

Roundtables provide an environment to listen and learn from one another, and share experiences and insights, where all viewpoints are valued by the group. This month's topic theme is 'Pivotal Moments in Life That Shaped Who You Are Today.' Join this interactive session facilitated by SSG Specialist, Carol Pilkington, CSA, and Spiritual Counselor, in a supportive setting where participants are seen, heard, and understood.

Number of People Who Will Attend

(No Fee)
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
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655 N. Central Ave, Suite 1700
Glendale, CA 91203
 Phone: 1 855-836-0807
 501(C)(3) Tax I.D. (46-1816118)