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HomeEventsWomen of Wisdom: Reinventing yourself as an Elder 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT (Virtual)

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Women of Wisdom: Reinventing yourself as an Elder 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT (Virtual)

Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4:30 PM until 6:00 PM
Additional Info:
Event Contact(s):
Phyllis "PK" Maxx
2139262994 (p)
SSG Academy Programs
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
No Fee
SSG Specialist, PK Maxx, Hypnotherapist of Mind/Body Imaging will lead the conversation on Living a fulfilling and successful life in our senior years and how it can be quite challenging but also exciting. As we shed the skin of our younger years and enter into our 3rd act we are challenged to reinvent ourselves. We are challenged to embark upon a journey to discover who we truly are as Elders. Susan Turpin, friend of PK will join us to tell her inspiring story of how life forced her as a senior to rise from the ashes and reinvent herself in a way she could never have imagined. Join us to discuss our own personal struggles and ways we have changed or are still looking to change our lives to find fulfillment and true wisdom in our last act.
655 N. Central Ave, Suite 1700
Glendale, CA 91203
 Phone: 1 855-836-0807
 501(C)(3) Tax I.D. (46-1816118)