Our organization is able to continue its mission because of your support and generosity. By contributing to a campaign listed below, you'll help ensure that our work continues. Online donations are quick and easy using our secure credit card transactions. We welcome donations of all sizes and payment plans – whether it's a one-time gift, a monthly contribution or part of a matching gifts program.
If you shop at any of these stores click on our link and the foundation through their online Affiliate Program will donate money to the foundation:

Please contact if you have, or know of some one else that would like to add to our Live Auction site. Contact us at Fundraising@FoundationForSeniorServices.org.
Estate and Legacy Planned Giving – If you wish to include Foundation for Senior Services in your will or estate plan, to leave a legacy to seniors in need, your attorney can include "FoundationforSeniorServices.org, Inc. ” as the legally described beneficiary. Our Federal tax ID Number: 46-1816118.
Gifts of Property – This could include real property such as houses, condominiums, apartments, commercial or industrial property and vacant land. Personal property can include artwork, jewelry, vehicles, boats, aircraft. The fair market value of these donations is tax deductible.
Gifts of Stock- It can be advantageous to contribute stocks in publicly traded companies as the full market value of such stocks can usually be deducted from the donors taxes.
Sponsorship's- Foundation for Senior Services has various fund raising events through out the year and there are various levels of sponsorship for your business to be recognized and at the same time assisting seniors in need.
Call for additional details 855 836-0807